Camera traps as a research method for carnivore population estimation: strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, analyses and improvements


  • Alexandra Kalandarishvili Department of Wildlife Biology and Management, Institute for Wildlife Management and NatureConservation, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő, Páter Károly u. 1, 2100 Hungary., Corresponding author, e-mail:
  • Miklós Heltai Department of Wildlife Biology and Management, Institute for Wildlife Management and NatureConservation, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő, Páter Károly u. 1, 2100 Hungary



Monitoring, Research methods, Large carnivores, Method analysis


Camera traps have been gaining popularity in population estimation studies. Based on 149 scientific journals review we evaluated the strengths, weaknesses and improvements of the camera trap method to better understand its effectiveness for studying population parameters. Camera traps have a strong advantage of being a non-invasive method, requiring minimal labor and because of its ability detect multiple species per sampling effort. However, theft and time-consuming data analyses, poor sensor performance and potential behavioral changes of wildlife due to noise and flashlights, prevent the camera traps from being the optimal population estimation method. The population parameter studied depends strongly on the behavior and biology of the target species, although the most common opportunity for development is all related to sensor performance (better triggering response and higher sensitivity) as well as extreme weather condition resistance.


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How to Cite

Kalandarishvili, A., & Heltai, M. (2023). Camera traps as a research method for carnivore population estimation: strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, analyses and improvements. COLUMELLA – Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 10(2), 13-24.

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