The Historical Landscapes of Bábolna


  • Csaba Fekete J. Hungarian Technical University


historical landscapes, Bábolna


The article discusses the interpretation of the Bábolna Stud Farm as a historical landscape, focusing on aspects of cultural heritage protection. It highlights that Hungary joined the European Convention on Historical Landscapes in 2008, although the concept of historical landscapes had already been included in cultural heritage laws earlier. The article presents the historical and architectural significance of the Bábolna Stud Farm, particularly its landscape-shaping activities related to the breeding of Arab horses. The author emphasizes the importance of protecting the unique natural and artificial elements of the stud farm and preserving traditional land use and farming methods. Furthermore, it points out that the current regulations and local development plans do not adequately ensure the preservation and sustainable development of the historical landscape.

Author Biography

  • Csaba Fekete J., Hungarian Technical University

    assistant professor


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How to Cite

The Historical Landscapes of Bábolna. (2008). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 10, 18-27.