International protection and management of historic gardens

Hundred years of garden history research


  • Monica Luengo ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientipc Committee on Cultural Landscapes


international protection, historic gardens, history research


This paper will focus on the historical development of ideas about the consideration of the historic garden as a heritage artifact or element, and therefore worthy of protection and conservation. The text will also include the evolution of the concept of historic garden from the idea of monument to the category of cultural landscape, some of the most important international texts and charters and also recent experiences from different countries. An analysis of the many different systems and methods in conservation and protection, in different countries and regions of the world, would be beyond this article, because fortunately, in recent years, the historic garden has been acquiring more and more importance and currently occupies a main position in the heritage set of most countries. It was not always so, as the historic garden was long considered only in terms of its natural and ecological values, w without an appreciation of its artistic or cultural values.

Author Biography

  • Monica Luengo, ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientipc Committee on Cultural Landscapes




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How to Cite

International protection and management of historic gardens: Hundred years of garden history research. (2013). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 29, 4-21.

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